Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why I Started this Art Blog

I have been teaching art in some manner to adults, teenagers, and children since the 70's.  I am still learning -- from other artists, from my students, from workshop leaders, and from art instruction books.  The time is coming when I probably can't teach anymore, so I thought that I would compose daily (or weekly) blogs for art students and other artists from all the information and advice I've gleaned over the years.  None of this is original with me -- I am an absorber -- a synthesizer - a sponge, if you will.  If you can learn anything from these tidbits, my mission will be fulfilled.  I will probably begin with some drawing techniques and then go into composition and design, perhaps specific media techniques, and some creativity problems to solve.  Where I can, I'll give credit to my sources, but I don't always remember from whence they come!  Please send me your comments.

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